The Boyz Wiki


  • MBTI: INFP-T (Mediator)
  • Speciality: Beatboxing and playing the guitar at the same time and doing the earthworm move
  • Nationality: Korean-Canadian
  • Education:
    • Stephen Lewis Secondary School (Graduated)
  • Family: Mother, father, older brother
  • Hobbies: Playing the guitar
  • Likes: Volleyball, basketball, cereal
  • Dislikes: Watching horror movies
  • Favorite color(s): Olive and burgundy
  • Representative number: 30
  • Designed color: Yellow
  • Dorm situation: Sangyeon, and Jacob are roommates.
  • Training period: 2 years and 4 months
  • Languages: Korean (fluent), English (mother tongue)
  • Foot size: 270 mm (KR ver.) 43 (EU ver.)
  • Religion: Protestant
  • Handedness: Left-handed/ambidextrous. He is left-handed when doing sports, but he uses his right hand when eating & writing.
  • Pets: Dog (lucky), Chihuahua dog (dexter), Jeff’s dog (Kobi).
  • Ideal type: A good-hearted person
  • Casting: He went to Korean Academy for vocal lessons, the academy would encourage students to attend auditions for major companies. Because LOEN Entertainment’s audition was the next one coming up at the time, they encouraged Jacob to test his skills. At first he said no, but ended up going to the audition and passed it. [1]
  • Emoji: 🐶
  • Instruments: Guitar, drums and piano.
  • (Idol) Friends: Pentagon Hongseok.
  • Allergies: Shrimp.[2]
  • Jacob was on the basketball team for 4 years and volleyball team for 6 years. He got an MVP award for volleyball. When he played volleyball, he had a setter position.
  • Jacob wrote, sang and composed the song in his DAZED profile video.
  • Jacob is the “mother” of the group.
  • He is a huge fan of Sam Kim.
  • He’s a coffee kind of guy.
  • His favorite Pixar/Disney movie is “Mulan”, he watched it about 10 times as a kid.
  • Jacob can do the Elmo voice.
  • His special talents include beatboxing and playing the guitar at the same time and doing the earthworm move.
  • Jacob said that if he had a younger sister, he wouldn’t introduce her to any of the members.
  • He used to play piano when he was younger but started playing guitar and drums instead.
  • Jacob and Kevin were chosen as hosts/MCs in the music show “Simply K-POP”.
  • Jacob really likes cereals.
  • He has his drivers license.[3]

